Nature Always Wears the Colours of the Spirit: Roy Raymonde

British cartoonist Roy Stuart Raymonde, who died in 2009 at 79 years old, first intrigued me with vivid watercolours and episodes oftimes set in mushroomy forests or secluded glens dotted with babbling brooks. Our anglophilically-minded readers may recall his work for Punch Magazine, and the rest of us will recognize him from the pages of Playboy, to which he contributed a monthly full-colour page for some 30 years.

The rambunctious Raymonde started out in advertising, cushioning his finances by freelancing as a cartoonist, mostly notably for Tit-Bits, a British tabloid-type magazine with an amusing name which reminds me of this George Carlton sketch. By 1960, Raymonde had amassed enough contacts to become a full-time cartoonist.

A collection of Raymonde cartoons published in 1961. Head over here to see some of the insides.
July 1974. This is the cartoon that first attracted my attention… with mushrooms, naturally.

I didn’t know this until writing this post, but delightfully Raymonde was friends with WOT favourite Gerard Hoffnung (see co-admin RG’s posts Gerard Hoffnung’s Constant Readers and Off to the Isle of Cats — and Back by Teatime!), whom he met at the Harrow School of Art (a subdivision of University of Westminster) in 1944, when RR was but 15. The two became lifelong friends, with Hoffnung, then a junior tutor (on his way to becoming a schoolmaster) a mere four years his senior, playing the role of Raymonde’s mentor. This friendship was cut abruptly short by Hoffnung’s premature death, so they were not able to re-enact Simon & Garfunkel’s Bookends, alas. I wasn’t able to find the exact source of this quote, as various websites just parrot the same paragraph over and over, but it seems that Raymonde was nearly expelled after adding funny captions to one of Hoffnung’s instructional drawings, a story hopefully as true as it is hilarious. Hoffnung (never bereft of a sense of humour) came to his defense and argued that this act was a sign of talent.

September 1972. What kind of Brit cartoonist worth his Yorkshire Pudding hasn’t spoofed Alice in Wonderland?
Preliminary sketch of unknown vintage.
Another preliminary sketch.

Given his evident love for the outdoors, I wasn’t surprised to find out that Raymonde bought a thatched cottage at the age of 34 and lived there for the rest of his life, voyages to Japan (where his work was very appreciated, to the point of winning the Gold Prize at the Kyoto International Cartoon Festival in 1996) and such notwithstanding.

Punch Does Playgirl, March 1975. Raymonde created quite a few covers for Punch… as to the guy depicted, he’s like something out of a Charles Rodrigues sketchbook (see Charles Rodrigues’ Pantheon of Scabrous Humour).
July 1974.
A cartoon used in Fore Play: The Very Best of Playboy’s Classic Golf Humor Paperback (January 1, 1995).

Want to see more? Head over here… and don’t forget to rest your weary head in some spring grass while you’re at it (perhaps with a friendly companion).

~ ds