Gardening for Victory With Nancy and Sluggo

This time of the year is special (and harried) for would-be gardeners – plants carefully nurtured from seed are carefully hardened off (or being plonked into the outdoors soil, for those in the warmer regions), which involves a lot of running back and forth clutching pots and bags of soil, and brandishing favourite raking and digging implements.

I was spoiled for choice when it comes to strips featuring gardening front and centre, so this theme shall be broken up into several installments. Part I: Nancy! We’ve mentioned Nancy a few times… sort of — see here, except that this John Stanley’s Nancy, and here, a post about an unexpected gem co-admin RG dug up from Nancy creator Ernie Bushmiller. Speaking of co-admins, thanks to the aforementioned RG for locating and scanning these strips. Frankly, my arms are elbow-deep in soil and I’m (w)ra(c)king my brain trying to remember what I planted and where, so mental capacity is sorely depleted.

Strip from May 17th, 1944.

In case the term is new to you, victory gardens were encouraged by the government during wartime — to supplement rations, but mostly boost civilian morale. While the intention was a bit manipulative, surely most would agree that growing one’s own food is immensely rewarding, which reminds me of this meme:

Strip from May 30th, 1950. Given concerns about going away for even a few days (‘who’s going to mind the plants?!’), Nancy’s plan sounds good to me.
Strip from June 15th, 1951.
Strip from June 2th, 1944. I wondered why Nancy was planting sausages in her garden, when I realized that’s probably a green bean…
Strip from June 16th, 1948.
Strip from June 20th, 1951.
Strip from June 28th, 1943.
Strip from July 2nd, 1945. The size of the foliage does not hint at the size of the carrot 😉

May your seedlings grow strong!

~ ds

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